In Times Of Crises, Do Staff Need Different Leaders?

Do our staff NEED a different leadership style in crisis times like we have now? Is what they WANT, the same as what they NEED?

In the Australian Financial Review article “Public tells CEOs: Don’t be weak and defeatist” on 3rd April, 2020, research undertaken by Crosby Textor suggests employees want different types of leaders in times of crisis like now. Their survey showed “employees want their leaders to be assertive, optimistic and charismatic and are turning away from overly approachable and emotional bosses who are seen as weak and defeatist”.

I don’t know how the survey was conducted nor what the questions asked were. And I am not questioning the survey data. I do however find the research outcomes a little concerning. It makes me wonder if in times of crisis, when people have heightened levels of fear and insecurity, whether people are truly clear about what they NEED from their Leaders. Sure, we would WANT someone to stand up for our rights and fight for our existence and our livelihood. We would WANT someone to protect us. We may also WANT someone to just tell us what we should do to get through this. The question is (I believe), what do people NEED?? 

Through my own crises and experiences (personal and group), I have WANTED people to tell me what steps I should take now, next week, and next month. I have WANTED them to carry the burden and load of getting me or us out of the predicament we were in. I WANTED them to tell me exactly what the outcome will be if we get beyond that particular crisis.   

But what I NEEDED (!!) were people around me who were HUMAN, EMPATHETIC, HUMBLE, CONSISTENT, CONVICTED, and provided HOPE. I NEEDED people who actually challenged our thinking. They inspired me and others to take ownership and encouraged us to contribute to the solution. They told me to slow down, and get clear on what my PURPOSE was, and helped shape the group’s PURPOSE as we let the dust settle instead of diving into the what seemed like instant safety. These Leaders were open and approachable. They let me and my colleagues feel the feelings that any human would have, and went further to even empathise with me. They showed their HUMANITY by sharing their own experiences and how they have overcome their own previous “crises”. They modelled CONVICTION, and a clear mindset that helped them move through the initial shock and march towards renewed hope, that in the end everything will be OK. These attributes were not necessarily easy to endure. They weren’t the shot in the arm I WANTED to make everything better right away. But they were exactly what I NEEDED!! And these are the types of leaders I believe will give their businesses and stakeholders every chance to realise the best outcomes through these challenging times. 

Without debating the facts of the survey, I am interested in the views from anyone in my network, including my coaches, mentors, and Leadership thought-leaders who continue to provide me with tremendous insight into the world of leadership. What traits do great leaders in a crisis display? How should this differ from “normal” times? @Liz Wiseman @Michael Bungay-Stanier @Patrick Lencioni @Simon Sinek @David Irvine @Brad Giles @Mark Green @Keith Cupp @Kevin Lawrence and members of my network, I welcome your experiences and wisdom.

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