Are you Focusing on What you can Control?

An oldie but a goodie! What’s your Circle of Influence? How are you maximising it to drown out the debilitating negativity that COVID is bringing (particularly if you’re based in Melbourne)!

As horrific as COVID is, and as poorly as some governments have managed the difficult situation, I feel it essential to bring up Stephen R Covey’s “Circle of Influence” concept. From his 1989 best seller, the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, this concept reminds me of our ability to make a critical CHOICE! Do we CHOOSE to sit in anger and blame about the predicament we’re in, or are we seeking to use positive energy, be proactive, and harness the excellence of our people, to control the things we can influence?

I am super proud to be associated with a number of CEOs and Leaders who are making remarkable CHOICES. One CEO in particular has his business sitting in hibernation. He has made a CHOICE. Yes, he has a struggle on his hands and is open and vulnerable about it. But he has chosen to LEAD his team with positivity, creativity, and authenticity. He has CHOSEN to engage his “stood down” staff two days a week in marketing-related and up-skilling activities. These staff activities are supporting the CEO’s efforts to PRIME his business to accelerate hard out of Melbourne’s current predicament, and also leverage its service offering in new fertile interstate markets. With the business’ order book now overflowing, they await the ability to “deliver and produce” with refined processes once the COVID lock-down restrictions ease.

Another CEO of a services business (with revenues more than 60% off in one part of the business) has CHOSEN to expedite many of their strategic priorities scheduled for later in the financial year. With a renewed focus on their supply chain, proactive customer engagements, staff training and development, they too are enlarging their Circle of Influence to prime their pump to grow out of this challenging time. The CEO, Directors and other leaders are demonstrating an incredible focus on Employee Engagement and CONNECTING with their staff like never before.

Another couple of CEOs have made a CHOICE to use this time to produce their own Vision documents for their business. In simple terms they have assumed the role of Chief Vision Officer to paint the picture of what their business will look, smell, and feel like in 3 to 5 years. Having made a number of iterations and then presenting it to their teams, the feedback from staff has been mind-blowing. It has touched the hearts of many and provided inspiration in an otherwise challenging time for everybody.

It is inspirational to watch these incredible Leaders and many more expanding their Circle of Influence and letting go of the “noise” and negativity of those things they cannot control.

How are you growing your Circle of Influence?


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