What Proportion of Your Staff Would you Rehire?

If you had the chance, what proportion of your staff would you re-hire?

(90 seconds to read this article)

Every CEO and business leader I speak with acknowledges that “people” are the most important asset in their business. But when I pose the question as to whether they would re-hire ALL their staff, I am met with a look of agitation or even defeat. 

Our businesses’ ability to scale successfully AND sustain the growth is dependent upon the capability of its people, INCLUDING its leaders. It requires our businesses to be filled with what we call “A Players”.

There are many ways to assess an “A Player”. One method we use is the Talent Assessment. This evaluates staff against two dimensions:

  1. productivity/capability in one’s role, and

  2. the way in which one lives and breathes the company’s core values.

Using our Talent Assessment Matrix, we suggest our clients plot where their staff sit against these two dimensions. I do this with my CEO clients who assess their Leadership Team members and next level of management, and then encourage their Management Team to do a review of the Business Unit or function they are accountable for. As you plot this you will end up with 4 categories of employees:

  • “A Players” are highly capable in performing their job, and live the company values. We want to retain these key personnel!

  • “B Players” are yet to hit the performance requirements for their role, but live and breathe the company values, enhancing the company’s culture. We want to train and develop these people! They are one major source of future “A Players”.

  • “C Players” are a hiring error. They do not support the company’s values, and are unlikely to be have the necessary capabilities required for their role, even with training. They are a drain on our business’ resources.

  • “Toxic A’s” are experts in their role, continually exceeding their targets. Unfortunately, they too often contravene and undermine the company’s values. Leaders are typically too fearful of addressing this, not wanting to jeopardize the financial outcomes of the business. Unfortunately, inaction by leadership in dealing with Toxic A’s, damages the morale in the business and is a primary cause for losing your genuine “A Players”. More about this in our next Blog, but fundamentally, these people must be eradicated from the business!

To really bring this to life, we would also advocate having a key metric for the organisation as to the percentage of “A Players” they have. Here, we make the assumption that the greater the proportion of “A Players” you have, the greater proportion of your staff you would want to re-hire!

What % of “A Players” do you have in your business?

Regardless of this %, what are you doing to either:

  • Train and develop your “B Players” into “A Players”;

  • Build a bench of potential “A Player” hires;

  • Motivate and retain your “A Players”;

  • Attract top talent to your organisation;

  • Remove “C players”; and

  • Eradicate your company of “Toxic A’s”.

For more resources to assist you attaining clarity and scaling your business without pain, visit our website www.visagegrowthpartners.com/blog.

For a free, no-obligation click on the Business Growth Assessment button at the top of our webpage and complete a 10 minute survey. You will receive your results, and if you want, can have a free 30 minute debrief with Visage Growth Partners and explore how you can demystify growth and grow your business without pain!


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