How to Leverage the Power of Your People Through Leadership

How much are you leveraging the latent people power across your organisation? The ability to do this is crucial when it comes to scaling a business.

My oldest son is a mad NFL fanatic, recently he showed me the footage of what is known as the “White Out Game” at Penn State College, it was absolutely insane! One hundred thousand plus crazy fans dressed in white, to rally behind their college football team and putting utter fear into the opposition.

It got me thinking about the latent power you have at your disposal as a CEO or a leader. Imagine what could transpire within your company if you were able to get all of your team really, genuinely rallying behind your company’s Strategic Plan on a Page. 

Think of the behaviours they would display, the discretionary effort they’d provide, the morale you and everyone else would feel across the company, the customer service that would be provided, when they personify your core purpose (your reason for being beyond making a dollar), your BHAG, your 90 Day Rocks and Critical Numbers, and any themes you’re wanting to embrace to help your company thrive.

Imagine the impact your business could have if you could challenge, encourage, inspire and excite every single person in your business to become “raving fans” and get behind the company achieving its grand plan!

All of this is predicated on your ability to engage and connect with your people.

What I love about working with CEOs and leaders is their passion, energy, drive, and entrepreneurial capacity to push the boundaries and make a difference!  

Watch this brief video clip of the Penn State “White Out Game” and then consider this… If Penn State can get more than One-hundred-thousand people to dress in white for a college football game and create this kind of atmosphere, imagine what you could achieve by connecting with team members.

  • How are you engaging your people, connecting with them and helping them to believe in what you believe?

  • How frequently are you communicating the key elements of your company’s DNA and strategy? 

  • How vulnerable are you? Showing your human side can help foster a deeper emotional connection with your team.

  • How frequently are you connecting with your team members? Practice it until you feel you've done it enough and that people are bored by it and then do it some more!

Imagine a world where your team wake up and are inspired to go to work, it's not an idealised notion. CEOs and leaders in many successful companies create environments where their teams trust each other and thrive collectively.

In Simon Sinek's book "Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't", he talks about how the best organisations' CEOs and leaders foster cooperation and trust, creating a workplace where everyone feels they have a sense of purpose and belonging.

All their energy is devoted to facing the common goal and seizing the big opportunities and none of this can be done unless these leaders are connecting with team members consistently and leveraging the latent people power in their organisation.

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